Kayrock Studios: How to Make an Art Print
Kayrock Studios has been leading the way in Screen Printing for the past 20 years, working with the likes of Maya Hayuk, Shepard Fairey, and even the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. We are thankful that they took time out of their busy day to show us around the screen printing game.
The printing process begins with a etched and cut 1 layer image. This image is used as the blueprint for the screen print. The precision holes and lines cut into the plastic allow for the paint to be squeegeed onto the print.
Then the plastic is loaded onto the machine to be automatically pressed. This is the first layer of the printing process. Every hand created pigment is printed one color/layer at the time to eventually form the final image.
Once the 50 copies are printed they are set to dry. The drying process can take a couple of hours to finish.
Once the first layer dries they reload it into the machine. There are markings on the press and print in order to keep it aligned. These hashes are important in order to keep the print in sync especially considering some of these prints can go up to seven layers.
While exploring the Studio, we were lucky enough to see the finished 5 layer print done for our Friend Elle. Check out Cluster Wall if you are interested in purchasing the print.
Check Out the insider video we took of the process. For more on Kayrock check out their site and on Instagram @kayrockscreenprinting.